Monday, April 27, 2009

Not tech, but music related, my other love....,28383,25387052-10388,00.html

a great story, go Ruby - talks about how she was bullied in school, and how she now has the best revenge through her success. I was bullied in school also, not to the physical extent of Ruby, but I still remember it to this day (wish I could forget!) But like Ruby, I believe success is the way to show them all! Go girls, be a fab success in whatever you do, be happy, and dont let bullies rule your life!


Sue Nielsen said...

Truly amazing story. But we learn early in life that if we 'don't fit in' we have to find strategies for coping (sarcasm and dodging were mine). that's why Tech Girls are Chich .. is so great - lets girls know that they don't have to conform - they can find their own ways. Thanks Jenine for passing this on.

jeninebeek said...

thats right, one of the messages from the book - be yourself, and you can do anything! You are a great inspiration for this Sue! :)